Having a side hustle has become an increasingly attractive option for ambitious budding entrepreneurs, offering a chance to test our new ideas and make a little extra cash on the side. However, turning your side hustle into a lucrative and sustainable career – and ditching the day job in the process, is a different task. If this is what you have planned for 2019, check out our survival guide to make sure you’re on the right tracks…

Prepare Financially

In an ideal world, you’d be able to immediately devote yourself 100% to your side hustle – but whatever you do, don’t just rush out and quit your job. You need to make sure your side hustle is able to cover your monthly expenses, so shifting from one career to another is a gradual process. Take small steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed or falling short of cash you need for essentials, by listing all your regular expenditures. A handy tip is to begin with the smallest of these, and start using your side income to cover the costs. As the income you generate continues to grow, you should be able to cover more and more of your expenditure with your side hustle – allowing you to finally call it a day at your regular job and devote yourself wholeheartedly to your dream career.

Get Advice

If you’re ready to take the next step, seek advice from others who have already made the leap. Not only will meeting others who have been in your shoes give you plenty of practical advice, but you’re also likely to find these contacts inspiring – and they could offer valuable input further down the line. Developing your networking skills, mentor relationships and business partnerships are easier than ever before thanks to CChat, allowing you to video chat on the go and stay connected with voice calls and instant messages.

Establish an online presence

When working on your side hustle, it might not have seemed like a priority to get yourself established online. If you want to switch over to a full-time professional, it’s essential. A website is a good idea, and crucially you’ll need to set up social media channels which appeal to your target audience. On CChat, you can set up your own marketing channel and keep followers in the loop about all the latest developments with your brand – helping you grow from a small side venture into something much bigger.

Get Focused

Shifting from side hustle to full time will be stressful, so be sure to make the most of your energy by becoming an avid list-maker and getting to know the times when you are most productive. Ensure your marketing efforts are in line with your chosen audience, and always seek new ways to learn how to build a stronger brand and a more efficient business, whether online via apps, articles and social media, or in person at networking and industry events.